Why selecting the right router or gateway is important to your application.

When dealing with Industrial and enterprise solutions sometimes just a simple router is required. Particularly with IoT applications more than simple routing is required.

For IoT, a Gateway allows you to corroborate all the different sources of information, pre-process them, and pass them along to the cloud or system endpoint for further processing. Gateways also allow for data to be sent back to the end devices, allowing for autonomous management of devices. Your Gateway device therefore plays a central role and critical role in the IoT setup, should the incorrect hardware be selected, the application may not be able to achieve the intended result. With such a central role in your application, it is important that the device that is selected is the right one for your application.

need help in deciding? 

PRODUCT Environmental Monitoring Agriculture Transport Signage Solar Monitoring Security and CCTV Utilities FWA and Backup Links POS





















R3000 LITE






























R5020 LITE






















































What should you consider when choosing your gateway product?

Connectivity Type

The choice of Connectivity technology will underpin the entire IoT project. With so many connectivity options available including, 4GLTE, 5G, CATM1, NB-IOT, LoRaWAN just to name a few it is important to understand what the needs of the project are to choose a connectivity technology. When choosing connectivity some important things to consider are:

  - Network coverage

  - Bandwidth requirements

  - Latency requirements

  - Packet size of your data

  - Power consumption

  - Device cost and availability


Protocols, Connections, and Features

Identify the features that are essential to your application, whether that is physical connections such as serial or ethernet ports, communication protocols such as Modbus, or network features such as OpenVPN, or hardware features such as minimum flash. Ensuring this minimum requirement has been identified early on in choosing a device will help to narrow down options and ensure that your selected device will fulfill the application.


With increasing pressure from cyber-attacks prioritizing a solution with higher security will help to protect your data and company.

Ongoing costs

Ensuring the solution has been costed with the lifetime of the project in mind can help to minimize ongoing costs. Factors like the ease and time of deployment, the rate and replacement cost of goods, and the ongoing cost of connectivity all play into the ongoing operating cost of the solution. The level of support from your vendor can also have a profound effect on the lifetime cost of a solution. The level, cost, and flexibility of online and remote management can also have a large effect on the cost of maintaining a solution.